This tutorial shows how to describe anime & manga male facial expressions with twelve different examples. It also provides proportions for drawing the confront used in this case.

Anime male facial expressions chart
Anime male facial expressions nautical chart

For dissimilar types of male facial expressions from the side view likewise see:

How to Depict Anime Male person Facial Expressions Side View

For cartoon male person facial expressions from the side view as well see:

How to Draw Anime Male Facial Expressions Side View

Anime Facial Proportions for this Tutorial

Anime male face proportions and step by step drawing
Anime male person face proportions and step by step drawing

For this tutorial nosotros volition be using adequately common proportions that are recommended in several tutorial hither on AnimeOutline.

Position the facial features as follows:

  • Eyes – Describe a horizontal line halfway through the head and draw the eyes below that (far enough autonomously that y'all can fit another eye between them)
  • Eyebrows – Draw the eyebrows slightly above the optics (about the tiptop of the eyes themselves or slightly less).
  • Nose – Describe the olfactory organ halfway betwixt the horizontal eye line through the face and the bottom of the  chin
  • Ears – Describe the ears between the top of the optics and the bottom of the nose
  • Mouth – Draw the lesser lip halfway between the bottom of the olfactory organ and the chin and the peak lip slightly above that

For a more in depth step by pace breakdown of drawing a like male person face up see:

How to Draw Anime and Manga Male Head and Face up

Normal Facial Expression

Anime male normal facial expression
Anime male normal facial expression

Depict the normal facial expression with the facial features position as described above.

Drawing a Serious Facial Expression

Anime male serious facial expression
Anime male serious facial expression

For a serious facial expression draw the inner tips of the eyebrows lowered besides equally the eyebrows as a whole lower downwardly. Depict the eyes slightly squinted and depict the mouth with the outer edges curving downwards.

Drawing a Content Expression

Anime male content facial expression
Anime male person content facial expression

For a content expressions depict the eyebrows raised (particularly the inner tips). Draw the eyes airtight and squinting.

Draw the mouth grinning with the teeth showing.

Drawing a Gloating Expression

Anime male gloating facial expression
Anime male gloating facial expression

For a gloating expression draw the eyebrows curving upwards (contrary of the normal curve). Draw the eyes

Drawing an Enthusiastic Expression

Anime male enthusiastic facial expression
Anime male enthusiastic facial expression

For an enthusiastic expression describe the chin lower down as the mouth will be open. Depict the eyebrows higher upwardly with the inner tips raised. Draw the eyes open slightly winder than normal. Inside the eyes draw more reflections and brand the reflections larger than normal. Draw the mouth smiling but without showing the teeth.

Drawing a Puzzled Expression

Anime male puzzled facial expression
Anime male person puzzled facial expression

For a puzzled facial expression again draw the chin lower downwardly due to the oral cavity being open up. Draw the eyebrows higher up with the inner tips raised. Depict the optics open slightly wider than normal and describe the irises raised. Draw the mouth in a sort of "O" shape.

Drawing a Grinning Expression

Anime male grinning facial expression
Anime male person smile facial expression

For a Smiling Expression draw the eyebrows lower downwards with the inner tips lowered. Describe the eyes squinting and draw the mouth grin with the teeth showing.

Cartoon a Scared Expression

Anime male scared facial expression
Anime male scared facial expression

For a scared expression nevertheless once more draw the chin lower downwards due to the open up mouth. Draw the eyebrows high upward on the confront with the inner tips significantly higher than a normal expression. Depict the optics wide open up and depict the irises much smaller then normal so that they are non touching the eyelashes. Draw the mouth shaped sort of like a edible bean and curving downwards.

Drawing an Embarrassed Expression

Anime male embarrassed facial expression
Anime male embarrassed facial expression

For an embarrassed expression describe the eyebrows curving upwards (opposite of normal). Draw the eyes looking down with the top eyelids slightly lower than normal.

Drawing a Smiling Expression

Anime male smiling facial expression
Anime male smiling facial expression

For a smiling expression depict the eyes very lightly squinted and draw the rima oris wider and more curved than normal.

Drawing an Upset Expression

Anime male upset facial expression
Anime male person upset facial expression

For an upset expression (merely like for the embarrassed expression) depict the eyebrows curving up (opposite of normal) and the eyes looking downwardly with the elevation eyelids slightly lowered.

Draw the mouth curving downwards.

Cartoon an Angry Expression

Anime male angry facial expression
Anime male angry facial expression

For an aroused expression depict the eyebrows low downwardly on the face with the inner tips almost touching the height eyelids.

Describe the eyes squinting and depict the irises and everything within them smaller than normal.

Draw mouth with the lips pulled dorsum and the teeth showing. Make the mouth slightly vertically wider towards the corners and wider at the lesser.


This tutorial covered some of the more common facial expressions using ane blazon of male anime character. For cartoon different kinds of male person anime characters with different facial expression run into:

How to Draw Male Anime Characters Step past Pace

For female facial expressions you tin can check:

12 Anime Facial Expressions Chart & Drawing Tutorial

For "Chibi" female expressions you can see:

16 Examples of How to Draw Chibi Anime Facial Expressions