Why Didn't the Family in Capernaum Have Papers

In 2016, 12-year-old Zain Al Rafeea was working as a delivery boy on the streets of Beirut when he was discovered by a famous Lebanese film director. After starring in her flick Capernaum, he and his family were recently relocated to Norway with the help of the UNHCR.

Nadine Labaki's film "Capernaum" is a labor of beloved, a tragic portrayal of the poverty and hopelessness of refugees and migrants who live in Lebanon's slums. The moving-picture show was recently nominated for Best Strange Linguistic communication Film at side by side yr's Academy Awards and winner of the Jury Prize at Cannes.

The star of Capernaum is a small, undernourished boy called Zain who was just 12 when Labaki'southward casting managing director found him on the streets of Beirut; having a fight.

"Zain is a Syrian refugee. He has been living in Lebanon for the by eight years in very difficult circumstances. […] When we started shooting [...] he didn't even know how to write his proper noun. So Zain grew up on the streets."

Zain is both a real person and a graphic symbol in her film; the line between fact and fiction is constantly blurred equally the real lives of the actors mirror and inform those of their characters in the moving picture.

The blurring between fact and fiction was deliberate, explains Labaki at a panel word with prominent film critic Annette Insdorf in early November. "I felt responsible in some way. I felt responsible for our inaction. […] Sometimes the trouble is and so big, we don't know what to exercise most information technology and and so nosotros keep silent." Labaki didn't want to remain silent; she wanted to humanize the problems she was seeing around her in Lebanon, the problems of living without papers, essentially the problems of refugees.

Giving a phonation to the voiceless

"I wondered, what does it feel to exist him? How does it experience to be so ignored, then invisible? If I gave this male child a vocalism, what would he say? What would he tell me?" Labaki wanted to smooth a light on this problem; to create a argue, in Lebanon and around the world. She is trying to modify things, to work with the regime and ministries and to understand what is going wrong in the system.

That organisation is chaotic she thinks. It was this feeling which inspired the championship of the film, Capernaum, which is a synonym for chaos. Years of inquiry for the moving picture rounded out these ideas still further. She would go to the slums where refugee, migrants and those without papers live, on the margins of society; put in prison, for the simple reason that they have no papers. "I have seen the failures, where things are going wrong. I have heard it from those kids' mouths. They tell me what they are going through," she adds.

Refugees have set up tents in central Sarajevo

'Living in hell'

Labaki herself grew up in state of war and chaos in Lebanon and is the mother of ii children. She stressed the fact that many of the kids she met during research for the motion picture were essentially "living in hell." They don't fifty-fifty know when their altogether is, permit alone having ever celebrated the day they were born, she explains.

The graphic symbol Zain in her film tries to sue his parents for having given him life. He, like many others, can't see the point of having been born when no i is going to dear them, when no 1 gives them food to consume when they are hungry. Labaki talks about the daze she felt when children were saying that they were not happy to exist live, that in fact they wished themselves dead. "When they talked about themselves, they used words similar 'I'1000 an insect, I'm a parasite, I'1000 zilch.' […]They don't have any notion of the sacred nature of their being," she concludes.

Syrian refugee Mohamed Rached in his tent at Faydha refugee camp east of Lebanon  Credit picture-alliancedpaNMounzer

A ticking timebomb

Labaki wasn't happy to stop at merely inquiry or even highlighting the problem. She wanted others to start asking the questions with her. "What is going to happen to those kids? We are talking about millions of kids beyond the globe that live in those weather condition. If we don't do annihilation about it, it is going to explode in our faces i day. Those kids are growing up very aroused, at u.s.a.: The society that ignores them."

Many refugees hope to reunite with family members who are still at home or in transit countries   Credit Picture-alliancedpa

Humanizing the problem was her answer - her lead actor, Zain Al Rafeea, did that perfectly. He said in a Cannes press conference that he found filming "easy." Zilch was difficult for him. "She told me to exist pitiful and I was sad, she told me to be happy and I was happy," he explains simply in a tranquillity vocalization.

Starting a new life

In September, Zain and his family, with the help of the UNHCR, was moved to Kingdom of norway to start a new life. At the fourth dimension, Nadine Labaki wrote on her Instagram account: "Just a few minutes before we left for the airport, I watched him give a last look at the neighborhood where he lived for eight years. Zain cried… and said he would miss his friends, the birds and Beirut and his life there despite the fright and the difficulties."

When asked at Cannes what he wanted to be when he grew upwards, Zain replied with a grin: "an histrion!" Now, he's hoping to go to school to learn reading and writing. Labaki reports that he is doing just that in Norway. "He has an astonishing house overlooking the body of water, he has a bed, he has never slept in a bed in his life!" she says smile.

On Instagram, Labaki wrote: "Zain was not a Syrian, a Lebanese, a Norwegian, a Christian or a Muslim. He was a child who paid for our silly wars without knowing why information technology happened."

Refugees on their way to Moria camp near Mytilene on the Greek island of Lesbos

Labaki hoped that her movie would provide Zain and other children similar him with new horizons. In Zain'southward case, it seems her wish came true. In the last shot of the film, Zain the character smiles for the first time in the film. On life's stage, Zain the boy is smiling at present too.

Boosted reporting by Mehyeddin Hussein (Arabic)


Source: https://www.infomigrants.net/en/post/13250/from-the-streets-of-beirut-to-the-forests-of-norway-zains-story

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