Where Does Everything in the Bermudas Triangle Go?

Bermuda Triangle Facts and Myths

What is Bermuda Triangle?

Bermuda Trigon is an complex quantity multilateral area happening the western part of North-central Atlantic where many ships sailing through it or planes flying over it had allegedly disappeared cryptically over the past centuries. The imaginary Bermuda Triangle is set off the Southeastern-East-central coast of the United States. The trinity corners of the triangle are: Miami (in Everglade State); San Juan (in Puerto RICO); and Bermuda (a north-Atlantic island on which it has been so titled).

Bermuda Triangle

Bermuda Triangle

Why is Bermuda Triangle an imaginary or a mythical area? Because in that respect is no constituted map that shows the boundaries of the triangle or indicates the location of the triangular area. In point of fact, U. S. Board on Geographic Names and US Navy do non even recognize an orbit called Bermuda Triangle.

So how did the trilateral emerge?

It altogether started by authors who were novelists, and the mystery was ab initio perpetuated away them. While we all know that novel writers are good in wild imaginations, but many of these writers were actually quite popular and well respected authors of their times.

The mystery started catching aid in 1952 when George Guts wrote an article in the American 'Fate' mag which deals mainly with paranormal. Atomic number 2 wrote virtually incidents like-minded Flight-19, a training trajectory of quint torpedo bomber planes, all of which went missing during a function training session in 1945 and never returned. This article 'Sea mystery at our back door' was one of the first to hint at paranormal element in this sea area.

In February-1964, the author Vincent Gaddis wrote an article 'The Deadly Bermuda Triangle' in the American pulp magazine 'Argosy' and He was the first to define the bound of the Triangle. In his clause, he mentioned that Flight-19 and other incidents of disappearances in Bermuda Triangle fall into a pattern of strange events. In 1965, he went in advance and expanded this article into a everlasting book and named it 'Invisible Horizons'.

But it was in 1974, when the best-seller 'The Bermuda Triangle' away author Charles Berlitz was published, it took the world away a violent storm. Well-nigh 20 million copies of the book were sold in 30 different languages. Berlitz was a believer of paranormal and proved to connect the Lost Metropolis of Atlantis to the Bermuda Triangle incidents and several disappearances to extraterrestrial.

Purportedly, Charles Berlitz (whose family created popular language courses) start came to hear near Bermuda Triangle from his go down agency who mentioned that his customers wanted to avoid flying over the trilateral area. Nevertheless, this tremendously best-selling book inspired many films, documentaries, Tv set shows and authors to promote the tales close to Bermuda Triangle.

Pic: Tanya Hart, cc by-Sturmarbeiteilung 3.0, Wikimedia Commonalty

One so much explanation is methane hydrates that are highly inflammable crystal-like compounds, can buzz off trapped below the ocean bottom (a geologic phenomena that is hypothetically possible), and if methane gas erupts from such hydrates, it lowers the density of water and the buoyancy and can easily sink a send. Patc that might make up a remote and hypothetical possibility, it has never been seen operating theatre known to have happened in or anyplace near the Bermuda Triangle.

Another hypothesis was the Compass Magnetic declination. Information technology was said that Bermuda Triangle is one place where the compass points to truth north and the captains failed to make the necessary adjustments. The fact is, a apprehend always points to the north and not the typical N (i.e. the geographic N pole). There are a a couple of points happening earth's surface such as a narrow channel in Bermuda triangle, where this deviation becomes zero and that is when they appear to be on a flat dividing line to a send off.

Unless a compass variance is adjusted aside the captain, the ship could nation up miles away from its targeted address. But the assumption that why whatsoever captains might non have finished this, is never answered. Even in earlier days, every captains were well trained and practised in preparing the pilotage charts taking into calculate the compass variation, as a matter of procedure practice.

And there were also theories proposed round some Electronic Murk that would come out from nowhere and engulf a send off or a plane and finally causing it to vanish.

Another theory that became quite a democratic was about the Sargassum bacciferum Oceangoing where nature's legal philosophy apparently seemed to be different and out-of-the-way. Sargasso Sea is an area in North Atlantic bounded past ocean currents in all sides. The exceptionally calm sea, still winds on with vast slow sea weeds that float on the water surface here would have marooned many seafaring ships in the early days. Although various derelicts were found here, in modern days any ship butt easily steam clean finished this water system area.

Sargasso Sea

Believers of paranormal brought in several nonnatural explanations to the incidents as well. Few of such bizarre theories enclosed the mythical Urban center of Atlantis that lay nether the ocean is capable to destroy ships and planes with its powerful crystal energy, aliens capturing aircraft for their experiment, time-warp in the triangle area taking ships, planes and citizenry into some other metre and�space (which has never been seen or well-tried till day of the month), etc.

Through generations, the legend evolved and took a mammoth shape of its own through various such conjectural and imaginary explanations. It kept dispersive quickly through authors, TV channels, news magazines and other media, and started encompassing stories so much as aircraft, ships, crew and passengers disappearing without a trace even nether formula weather conditions, abandoned ships seen on sail, mysterious wrecks known, electronic fog engulfing planes, time portals transporting quality beings to another time &�space, then on. And gradually and quite unfortunately, the manufactured secret around Bermuda Triangle became a reality in the minds of millions all over the world.

So, what are the facts?

Well, the facts are quite far from what has been generally perpetuated by the books and media. Many stories and myths have been created by writers through sheer speculations, imaginations and grossly erroneous research. Documented evidences through scientific search demonstrate that in all but cases where adequate information could be gathered for investigation, information technology was found that the incidents were caused due to either equipment unsuccessful person, human error or violent weather conditions. Many reputable sources have completely debunked the idea of any mystery behind Bermuda Triangle.

Hera are what the experts say...

Larry Kusche

Gertrude Lawrence St. David Kusche was an Land research librarian in Arizona State University. He was also a navigate himself and an generator. Kusche promulgated his famous book 'The Bermuda Triangle Mystery story - Solved' in 1975. This book was a result of his encompassing research on numerous incidents (over 50) that reportedly took place in Bermuda Triangle between 1840 and 1973. Most of his research was based on referring newspapers of the periods, checking out the meteorological reports of the years the incidents took set down, interacting with many Military service officers and�gang etc.

Here are Larry Kusche's findings:

  • The add together turn of such incidents in the triangle region is nothing unusual in a place where tropical cyclones operating theater hurricanes are quite vernacular.
  • The study as wel showed that amoun of incidents in Bermuda Triangle is non significantly more compared to any other ocean area particularly considering the fact that this ocean area is one of the nigh heavily traveled ocean channels in the world.
  • Kusche besides five-pointed out that some authors had misconceptions, made faulty observations, and wrongly reported different incidents to produce sensational stories. In point of fact, many incidents actually took place far outside the trigon region.
  • Some incidents reported actually did not take set back in the least. For example, in 1937, a woodworking plane crash was reported forth Daytona beach. The local newspaper report suggested nil of that sort.
  • The research showed many incoherent and away information in Charles Berlitz's account and his mentions of eyewitnesses and other participants. In one such case, Berlitz misreported a transport disappearing 3 days after information technology left a interface in Atlantic, while the fact was the send actually left a port of the same name from Pacific ocean which was over 3,000 miles away.
  • In some other case, Charles Berlitz misreported that Donald Crowhurst, the yachtsman World Health Organization participated in Golden Globe Raceway in 1968, disappeared without a trace. It was clear from the log books and different documentation found in the boat that Crowhurst sworn suicide because he was not in a position to finished the circumnavigation of round-the-world yachting competition, and thought he would face humiliation and business enterprise ruin.
  • Charles Berlitz and other writers oftentimes cited incidents taking place in calm waters although information technology was clearly evident from the meteoric reports that the ships encountered rugged cyclones or storms. And sometimes, a embark's disappearance was reported, just its return, although belated, was not.
  • Kusche came to the conclusion that Bermuda Triangle is a "Manufactured Closed book"... in that location is no real mystery about it and most of the incidents were either specified accidents or result of violent weather, human error, equipment failure or were simply misreported (often deliberately). Kusche later noted that Charles Berlitz's research was so sloppy that "If Berlitz were to written report that a boat were red, the gamble of it being some other color is almost a certainty."
  • Karl Kruszelnicki

    Karl Kruszelnicki is a well known Australian author and a science communicator. During his question with news.com.au in July 2017, he claimed that there is zero closed book behind Bermuda Triangle at complete. Under are some of the points He made associated Bermuda Triangle:

  • "It is close to the Equator, near a wealthy part of the world � America - therefore you have a lot of traffic". He explained that considering the heavy dealings of planes and ships across Bermuda Triangle, there is nothing out of the commonplace about the number of incidents that took place in this area.
  • Helium further referred to the Lloyds of London and US Coast Guards' consistent statements that in that location is nothing peculiar in Bermuda Triangulum when extraordinary compares the number of such incidents with that of other ocean areas in a percentage basis.
  • Disappearance of Trajectory-19 (the training flight of five avenger bomber planes) created a general menace and further propelled the mystery around Bermuda Triangle. Vincent Gaddis published his book 'The Deadly Bermuda Triangle' in 1964 where He lay forth his own account and theories around it and mentioned that the planes vanished in ideal flight conditions. Kruszelnicki clarified that the weather wasn't fine at all... there were 49-ft waves.
  • Grumman TBM Avengers similar to Flight 19

    TBM Avenger Aircraft

    He further stated that the flight squadron leader Lieutenant Prince Charles Taylor "arrived with a hangover, flew hit without a ticker, and had a history of getting lost and ditching his aeroplane twice ahead". The wireless transcripts distinctly indicated that Taylor was hopelessly lost and did not exact the advice from his junior pilots to fly ball in the moral direction. The planes eventually ran out of fuel and ditched into the foamy deep-sea in the darkness.

  • Cardinal saving seaplanes PBM Martin Mariners were sent for the Flight-19 search operation. Gaddis in his book mentioned that one of them nonexistent without a trace. To this Kruszelnicki said... "It didn�t vanish without a trace, [It] was seen to gust up". A tanker off the coast of Florida ascertained this explosion. Oil slicks and debris were found. As a matter of fact the PBM Martin Mariners were known to make up prostrate to explosion due to gas leakage from tanks when full. The US Navy grounded all such Mariner seaplanes after this incident.
  • Michael Barnette

    Barnette is a Marine Biologist and a scuba diver who busted the myths surrounding the coal ship SS Cotopaxy that disappeared in 1925 and could not constitute traced for a century. On November 29, 1925 Cotopaxy carrying 3,800 tons of coal and 32 crew was reported lost happening its way from Charleston to Havana. And this incident fanned the myth of the closed book so often that the ship reappeared in Steven Spielberg�s 1977 film 'Close Encounters of the Third Kind', shown in tact in Gobi wild.

    Barnette had first located Cotopaxy second in 2010 during one of his scuba diving trips. Information technology's prevarication off the coast of St. Augustine, Florida and mostly buried in George Sand about 100ft below the surface. This crash is popularly known as 'Bear Wrack'. He wrote about his findings in his book 'Encyclopedia of Florida Shipwrecks, Volume I: Atlantic Coast' publicized in 2013. Just it did non get more attention then.

    In Jan 2020 when Cotopaxy started devising headlines once more in well far-famed media channels, Barnette teamed up with Skill Channel to text file his discovery and findings in a series named as Wreck Secrets which was premiered in February, and that nailed the story.

    Here is what Barnette had to suppose...

    "A lot of multiplication there's numerous shipwreck accidents or a nonexistent aircraft and the Bermuda Triangle kills a story. That's not the account - that's an excuse, right? No one really wants to wait for it. And then you say, �OH, it's missed in Bermuda Triangle�. But, in actuality, on that point are very real destiny that led to these sinkings or disappearances. And without actually finding the wreck, you won't really know the historical movement and the really drama. The real story is what happened to the crowd, the passengers."

    More Findings

  • Harold Lloyd's of London is a marine indemnity market since long. They insure ships on ocean trip. When Lloyd's was asked by a UK television canalize (UK TV channel 4) in 1992 if they noted out-of-the-way keep down of ships sinking or getting unregenerate in Bermuda Trilateral, they responded that the soh called disappearances were not large in number and nothing usual compared to any other ocean areas. They further habitual that they do not even charge higher than habitual indemnity rates to sail lines for voyages finished Bermuda Triangle area.
  • The US Sea-coast Guard also has gone happening record that the number of reported missing cases in Bermuda Triangle is nothing unusual. In fact, they contradicted many such supposed triangle disappearances in their reports after having conducted the necessary search.
  • When the tanker SS V. A. Fogg exploded and sank in 1972, a Triangulum writer published that all bodies had disappeared expect that of the captain World Health Organization was seen in his cabin clutching on to his coffee cup. Actually, the US Coast Hold write up declared that several bodies were cured, and further, the tank driver sank off the coast of Texas and nowhere near the Bermuda Triangle area.
  • A study conducted in 2013 for WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature) reported the 10 most accident prone ocean areas in the creation for shipping. And that does not admit Bermuda Trilateral. In fact, supported the accidents recorded, the most dangerous water areas are South China Sea, the Mediterranean Sea and the North Sea.
  • Shipwrecks around Bermuda

    The island Bermuda is at one corner of the imaginary trigon. The island is located some 665 miles off the nighest landmass of the US east glide (i.e. Cape Hatteras in Tar Heel State). It is known that all over 300 shipwrecks lie on the seafloor surrounding Bermuda that includes large ones like the Constellation, the Cristobal Colon, the Mary Celeste, the Montana, the Xing Da and lot more, many of which give birth now go popular scuba diving sites.

    Treasure State Shipwreck

    Montana Shipwreck

    Photo: Heidi Hess

    So, why and then many ships found their graveyard around Bermudas? The result is simple... around 200 angular miles of water country surrounding Bermudas is full of dangerous subsurface reefs.

    In the youth, these reefs created nonindulgent hazards for ships when the captains had to mainly devolve on compass and charts for navigation. The reefs rising from the bottom of the oceanic and hidden under the water surface torus apart the hulls of numerous ships that passed complete them. These years however with advanced GPS navigational systems, captains put up well sail about the hidden reefs and such accidents haven't taken place many days since the use of Global Positioning System.

    If you are curious to know about the wrecks that lie sunken in the water around Bermudas island and the stories behind them, read Shipwrecks around the islands of Bermuda.

    Some Major Incidents

    Below are some reports of ships and planes that met with aguish fate patc interbreeding the trigon region. As you visit the golf links, you leave too see my findings. In most cases I have discussed and explained the possible causes as investigated and brought out away experts, and in some cases I have also given excerpts from established reports that were produced by US Navy, US Air Force and America Sea-coast Guards.

    The disappearance of cargo ship Cyclops with 309 crew onboard resulted in the single largest loss of lives in the history of United States Naval forces. It started from Barbados with full load up of Manganese ore and was scheduled to reach Baltimore happening March 13, 1918, simply information technology ne'er did. Some time after March 4, 1918, it was considered doomed in the overseas.

    USS Cyclops anchored on Hudson River in 1911

    USS Cyclops

    Although the exact reason is still unknown until at present, some experts suggest that information technology could be callable to intemperate rage causing it to turtle, others say it could represent due to wartime enemy activities etc. All the same, the most acceptable of whol the abstract thought is... it had a structural failure collect to overloading and eventually sank. As a matter of fact, two of its sis ships Proteus and Nereus too were lost in North Atlantic during Second World War, and both were carrying similar heavy metallic ores like that of Cyclops.

    Virgin Mary Celeste, a 103-foot brigantine, had many misadventures true before her mystery voyage in 1872. But this time, although the ship could be salvaged, none happening control board could always be traced. On December 4, 1872 it was ground abandoned at sea.

    Up to now, there has been no possibility that explains this mysterious abandonment with any clear evidence. However, a greater mystery is how and why this incident someway got connected to Bermuda Triangle. Afterward all, the derelict was establish betwixt the Azores and Portugal, and about 590 miles western of Gibraltar which is nowhere near Bermuda Triangle.

    The Ellen Austin, an North American nation schooner, met with an unheard-of ship in 1981 on Atlantic during its voyage from London to New York. Strangely the unknown ship had nobody on board although IT was seaworthy. The captain of Ellen Capital of Texa sent his salvage crew to the unknown ship and asked them to sail conjointly to New York. However according to reports, the unknown transport disappeared later on ii days during a storm. Information technology reappeared after a few days, but this time too there was nobody onboard.

    According to Larry Kushe, the above could be verified through research and particularly from a book of a old Navy Commander Rupert Gould where he detailed the incident. However, no further information could be retrieved on the matter and Kusche noted that this could continue a enigma until source of Gould's account could be located, or even thenceforth attributable lack of adequate information.

    This is another case of an uninhibited and stranded watercraft which created one of the biggest maritime mysteries of all multiplication. While returning from Rio of Brazil nut to Portland in Maine in January 1921, it was establish uninhabited and derelict at Diamond Shoals, off Ness Hatteras in North Carolina. But all the 11 crewmen including the captain were missing and never to be traced once more.

    Several possible explanations have descend capable the surface. The lifeboats were missing also, and the Coast Guards acknowledged that the crowd and the captain felt it was a damned ship and fled on the lifeboats only to be lost in the oceangoing.

    Another account... Deering could have been a victim of piracy at a clock time when illegal and prohibited singular running trade was prevalent. An unknown region send on (often referred as the steamer Hewitt) was seen following Deering's route and ignored the signals of a lightship near Ness Lookout. It is said that this strange transport would have cleared impermissible the crew of Deering.

    5 Avenger planes of Flight-19 took polish off from the U.S Naval Base Fort Lauderdale placed in Florida for a routine training session on an afternoon of December 1945. The squadron was to fly 141 miles East, then 73 miles north and then back 140 miles to complete the electrical circuit. But strangely this time they ne'er returned.

    The last The States Navy report suggested that navigational error was the have to this accident as the planes ran impermissible of fire and ditched into the rough subocean. In fact, the flight of steps squadron drawing card Charles Taylor had a history of acquiring helpless and ditched planes earlier too. The radio transmittance also substantiated that he did not listen to a trainee's prompting to correct the itinerary and fly in the right direction, instead being confused, chose to continue in the wrong direction.

    When all hopes for the higher up Flight-19 planes were quickly fading, two rescue Steve Martin Mariner planes (flying boats that could land on sea) were dispatched by USA Navy to search them unfashionable. After extensive fruitless search operation, one of them returned, but the other didn't. Why?

    PBM Martin Mariner

    PBM Martin Mariner

    The weather was stormy when this incident took place. And the Mariners had a account of increasing due to vaporization leaks when full with anoint. A tanker cancelled the coast of Florida noticed a huge detonation in the sea country and found general oil slicks. The seaplanes were already nicknamed 'Flying Gas Tank'. The U.S.A Dark blue grounded all PBM Martin Mariners following this incident.

    USS Scorpion (SSN-589) was a Central hopped-up submarine of United States Navy that disappeared in May 1968. Although the wrecks were found and the incident is frequently incidental to Bermuda Triangle, actually it occurred near Africa and Portugal, and not in Bermuda Triangle.

    happening January 30, 1948, Star Tiger, a Tudor Mark-Quadruplet aircraft operated aside British Continent Airways disappeared from the radar while flying in from Azores and in brief in front it was about to put down at the Bermuda airdrome. Due to strong headwinds, it was waving at a critically low elevation of alone 2,000ft and there was no margin for any human being misplay or faults in any equipment.

    The aircraft Douglas District of Columbia-3 left San Juan (in Puerto Rico) along December 28, 1948 for Miami. It disappeared when it was only 50 miles southmost of Florida and about to land in Miami. A monolithic search operation was launched within a a couple of hours. The weather was amercement, sea was calm and so shallow in this part that large sunken objects could be easily seen on the underside.

    Hundreds of ships and search places combed the entire orbit, simply no trace of the shave and its passengers were found. A Civil Aeronautics Board investigation reported that insufficient information was on tap to find the exact cause of the disappearance.

    A Super Configuration Naval Airliner disappeared in October 1954 near the north of the triangle. It had 42 passengers aboard. It had two powerful radio transmitters but did not send out any emergency message. A big search operation was carried unsuccessful, only no trace of the aircraft or its passengers were establish. Commander Andrew Bright, Director of the United States Navy's Airmanship unit admitted that at that place was no official explanation given to the cause of this loss.

    This 524-foot carrier started sail on Feb 2, 1963 from Beaumont, Texas to Norfolk, Virginia with 39 crew and full load of molten sulphur kept at 275�F. It was reported lost in FL Pass on February 4. A huge hunting resulted into nothing only a few sprightliness jackets and petty debris. Later on long investigations and deliberations, the Coast Guard came out with a few possibilities that could cause the loss but failed to find a definite explanation.

    The Reality

    It is well famous that marine and airway channels crosswise Bermuda Triangle remain one of the busiest and most commercially put-upon routes in the world. They are used extensively by numerous cruise lines and airlines conjunctive the USA, Europe, Caribbean Sea islands, Bermuda, South America and symmetric Africa.

    Do you think this would have been possible if the triangle area played unjust with the ships and planes passing across this expanse and more than in other sea areas? Since this is unmatchable of the busiest sea channels, there should have been more likelihood of accidents here than places where there is very much less traffic. Just as already mentioned, Bermuda Trilateral doesn't even out figure in the top 10 most accident prone sea areas in the globe.

    Landing at Bermuda

    Landing at Bermuda

    The tourists by and large arrive from the US, Britain and Canada, and the rest from different other parts of the world. And they all cross the Bermuda Triangle by sail ship or skim. Bermuda could non have been a top island address in the first place if the trigon behaved mysteriously by any means, or if the safety of tourists in Bermuda was in hand.

    And same is the reality with the other two corners of the triangle. Puerto RICO Act is another nonclassical island destination in Caribbean with its warm climate, location and rich history. And of course, precise few beaches in the world can match that of Miami, when IT comes to the popularity of beaches.

    External Sources

  • Wikipedia: Bermuda Triangle
  • 'The Bermuda Triangle Secret - Solved': playscript by Larry Kusche (1975)
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    Viewers Comments

    NOTE: I manually evaluate all posts and include only the ones that are pilot and having some serious matter. Unless the station adds further value to this article, I do not include them.

    Katsibi A. C

    I must concede that this article is a masterpiece. Just this sunup, we got discussing with a co-worker about the possible cause for the missing AirAsia and the Bermudas Triangle theory was brought up. I needed to google IT to obtain out what it really is. Now, I understand much more deeper and nates explain to anyone needing noesis thereon. Sir, your findings are rich, educating and informative. More power to your elbow joint. Give thanks you.


    Avid clause. I retrieve my dad telling me how He handled mysteries like this. One daylight, He was outside at Nox, and began to fancy a very bright blueish light reflective off the trees. Back in that day, most mass would've stopped there and claimed to have seen a UFO. However, he distinct to enquire... only to find that someone over the next hill was welding and this was causing the opalescent light along the trees. Conclusion: he never same that all things can be explained, but implied that at least some if not most unsolved "mysteries" could be resolved with just a bit investigation, and that we owe ourselves to give an effort thereto through education, investigation and research. That is what you have through here. Give thanks you for sharing it with US.


    I've watched many documentaries nigh the mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle and I have got to enounce this site was more detailed than the history channel. Based on the disappearances that have occurred at the Bermuda Triangle I am convinced that the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle is same secret that will never be resolved.

    Bailey Smith

    This page is awesome for finding information about the Bermudas Triangle for composition a reputation for school or but to plain learn most the Bermuda Triangle.


    The myth surrounding the Bermuda triangle is known to exist beyond scientists As a ship carrying slaves from Africa capsized in the buckle down trade ERA has the real truth omitted anytime it is told. Today as I ride by my television set in Accra Republic of Ghana, west Africa watching the documentary on the Bermuda Triangle Exposed, one man of science in the writing makes that same financial statement.

    And information technology makes me wonder wherefore citizenry always avoid the truth which I hump from the history books that during the slave traffic earned run average, a send carrying thousands of people from Africa captured as slaves by break one's back merchants was navigation into the America's. When information technology got to the Bermuda triangle, the in bondage masters received selective information that the slave trade has been abolished. And knowing that they wouldn't find any commercial value of the slaves onboard the send on, the captains and the slave masters off loaded the 'Poor African Slaves' into that part of the ocean.

    And the smell of our forefathers never went to sleep and hence successful the Bermuda triangle their dwelling place. Maybe it's about time the scientists and whoever stopped wasting resources and configured a reparation for Africa and save Bermuda triangle future disasters.

    Aniket Sahu

    It is an interesting fact that Columbus, the European nation sailor had also travelled through the devil's triangle and has written his memoirs. He has noted that how his compass started acting oddly while sailing through the triangle. He along with past shipmates saw a glowing Earth of light hovering on their ship.


    Technically, the Bermuda Triangle is a mystery that will never be solved, at least not to everyone. Rafts of people think they have it figured out, but everyone else thinks that, besides. If one theory is proved right, believers of the other theories testament disprove it, and if a new theory comes upbound, mass will mickle thereto and read they knew it right along. This is one triangle that loves keeping secrets, and then don't try to wrecking bar; you'll never get anything out.

    Where Does Everything in the Bermudas Triangle Go?

    Source: https://www.bermuda-attractions.com/bermuda2_00004e.htm

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